Introductory meetup | January 27th, 2018
YouTube: SlideShare: The first meetup, Introductions from Software Testing Board This is our first Hangout. Let’s get together and discuss the possibilities of future hangout agenda. Links: Contact: https://softwaretestingboard.com/contact-us/ Feedback: https://softwaretestingboard.com/send-feedback/ Facebook: http://facebook.com/softwaretestingboard Twitter: https://twitter.com/thisisstb LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/showcase/13419388/ SlideShare: https://www.slideshare.net/software-testing-board/ Meetup: https://www.meetup.com/Software-Testing-Board-Chennai/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsYeNXtmx-_43CuCJvkixQA Subscription URL: http://tiny.cc/QAMailingList Past issues: http://tiny.cc/MLPastIssues
What is IOT testing?
Food, Shelter and clothes are not the only fundamental requirements of our lives. There is more on the list that has made our lives more comfortable and efficient. Humans now aspire things which are connected, things which can communicate with each other to function remarkably, and efficiently perform complex tasks. For instance, let’s assume it…
6 Productivity tools to invest in right now!
It is true that it’s the thoughts that make one wise and successful in life. When it comes to entrepreneurs and corporate personnel, it is practically not possible to have a calm mind. Also, they cannot find time for some spiritual activity either. So, what can you do to increase your productivity and get most…
Testing Decentralised-apps on Blockchain
2017 is almost over, and it is ending with the significant change in technology. We all are familiar with the Bitcoins. Bitcoins are the cryptocurrency, which is said to bring the substantial change in how we transact online. When trading with bitcoins not only the transaction is securely logged forever, but it also maintains user…
Clicking Check Box & Radio buttons
In all the example we have tried in the tutorial so far, we have not performed any action on “Checkbox” or “Radio Buttons”, Well in this tutorial we’ll see them all. Ideally “Checkbox” or “Radio Buttons” can be identified by simple “ID attributes”. But while doing actual automation that’s not the only thing we want.…
Different ways to identify element using Selenium WebDriver’s findElement method
We learned in “Locators In Selenium IDE” chapter and looked by example how to use this locator in the Selenium IDE with examples. To use the same locator in Selenium Webdriver the general syntax is below. driver.findElement(By.<locatorName> (“<<Identifier>>”)); Element location Strategy: The findElement methods take a locator value or it query object called ‘By’. In…
Different operations or commands used on the WebElement
Let’s start with the basic question. What is WebElement? In a simple language WebElement is “Value” enclosed in HTML tags. Eg: for <p> HTML paragraph. </p> The webelement is everything within <P>… </P>. In Selenium We are using “findElement” or “findElements” command to find WebElement and perform an action on them. Below is the syntax: WebElement element = driver.findElement(By.id(“Username“)); This WebElement can…
How to choose right test tool?
QA professionals across industries struggle to pick the right test tool for automation. What do they end up doing? Go with the most advertised, marketed and (uhmm!) hyped testing tool. While this strategy holds good in few cases, it is not the optimal choice. Thinking what the fuss is all about? Why is selecting the…
“DevOps” and “Automation” – How will it Impact QA?
DevOps and Software Testing: Currently, in the Industry, more than 70% of software companies adopted DevOps and is increasing rapidly due to high scale penetration of build and integration tools to do seamless automation of Functional & Deployment deliverables across the software Development life cycle. But with the increase in the Automation, AI & Machine…
Does AI & Machine learning will Kill QA Jobs?
There is a widespread panic in IT industry now a day’s due to Increase in the Automation & Less number of Manual Jobs Less demand for Management skills causes lot of Layoff at higher & middle management Last, But not the least people (QA/Developer) is now thinking that AI will replace their jobs in next…