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by The go-to Tester (473 points)
Some scenario like uploading the file. In this case window popup will open to browse and choose the file. Here selenium can not able to control such popup. then how can we automate this scenario in selenium webdriver

2 Answers

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by Master (1.2k points)
Best answer
Selenium is just a browser automation tool. It is developed on top of JavaScript. So, anything that can not be controlled using JavaScript, Selenium will not be able to handle it.

So, windows popups like File save dialog, print dialog, windows credentials dialog cannot be controlled using Selenium.

In this case, you should use third-party tools like Sikuli or AutoIT to handle such popup.

But, using third-party tools will not let you do remote executions.
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by Contributing Tester (52 points)
Thank you Mayur for information.

I have one question.

Is it possible to handle Windows Popup of remote server using AutoIT ?

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