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The dev team have created a POC in C# which will read tables and trigger an email based on user input. Either Daily, Monthly or Weekly. As a tester what are the different ways I shoud be testing it?

It triggers an email via SMTP relay. Also, it contains attachment. To and CC email list comes from the DB.

1 Answer

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by The go-to Tester (181 points)

Quick scenarios I can think of:


  • The user adds To email and CC email is null. Email body is as expected. And attachment size is below allowed size. The subject is as expected. Email is received as expected.
  • The user creates an email with valid email id filled into To and CC field. Email body is expected and Attachment size is expected. The subject is as expected. Email is received as expected.
  • The user adds CC email and To is null with everything as expected. Email should be received as expected.
  • The user has all To, CC, Email subject, email body as expected. But attachment is missed. Email should be received as expected. Based on your requirement, you can include this under positive or negative scenarios.


  • The user enters wrong email id which does not exist, but email id format is valid in "To" field. CC has proper email Id and other fields like body, subject and attachment are expected. Email is received by email ID on CC. But, we also get bounce notice.
  • The user enters wrong email id in CC field but has valid email id in "To" field. Rest of fields are as expected. The email should be received by email in "To" field. But we should get bounce report for email in CC field.
  • You can write more scenarios with invalid mail formats like space in emails, invalid positions of @ and special character in Email ID.
  • Also, you can write the scenario about an empty subject line or empty body and how your application should react to those.
  • You can even check by the maximum of email ids in "To" and "CC" fields to see how your SMTP server react to that email when your email is loaded with lots of email IDs.
  • Also, increase attachment size. Some server will take only 5MB of attachment.
  • Add spetial chatactors in the body while sending an email and have it received as is. Create expected scenario.
  • Have very big email body. Make it larget then specified size and see how your system is performing.
  • Same like body, add spetial charctors in the subject line and also have very big subject line and see how your system is performing.

These are scenarios I can think of for now. I will add more as I remember.

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