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by Contributing Tester (54 points)
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I am trying to get an idea of how to interprete the Jmeter graphs. The test I performed used 1 thread group with 500 user ramped up over 5 seconds. Now the Average Response Time graph is flat, its not zero though.

What does this mean? :

  • Did my site died?
  • Or does it mean that my site is efficient to handle all the requests?
  • Or 500 user count is less?

Here is the example graph:

1 Answer

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by The go-to Tester (181 points)
There are many factors that can affect your tests.

1.) Make sure that you have good PC or Computer to generate 500 users/threads.

2.) Check your error report. You should find some errors there.

3.) Make sure that you have good network bandwidth to handle 500 requests.
by Expert (572 points)
I suspected the same.

Take my upvote!

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