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by Contributing Tester (14 points)
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I wanted to have nodes that are browser specific. Meaning, one node should be configured to always use Chrome and the other should use IE.

I wanted to know how to setup a grid so that when I can run a particular test suite and the grid should automatically decide and select the correct browser that we require.

1 Answer

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by Expert (572 points)
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Best answer

When you setup the node, just specify one browser. The grid will automatically redirect the test execution commands to that particular node. No other setup is really required.

Say you have a grid server and 3 nodes. One node is hosting Firefox, another one Chrome, and the last one Internet Explorer. Below will be your setup.

java -jar selenium-standalone-server.jar -role hub

And node 1 configuration (chrome)

java -jar selenium-standalone-server.jar -role webdriver hub http://<grid_ip>:<grid_port>/wd/hub  -browser browserName=chrome

Same way, you can start node with -browser argument and specify your browser.

by Contributing Tester (14 points)
Thank you, Sunil. That worked.

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