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by Expert (748 points)
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How to convince scrum master in scrum meeting that bug is still pending and not go live this iteration?

2 Answers

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by Expert (570 points)
Many times there comes a situation where quality assurance services need to convince the scrum master for delaying the release of a feature due to existing bugs. In such cases, we can do the following:

- Explain the impact of bug in the application
- Prepare the use cases explaining the impact of bug on the end users.
- Explain the severity of the bug and the functionality being hampered due to that.
- Explain the impact of the defect for the mass customer base and business flow
by Expert (748 points)
If you cant find RCA (Root Cause Analysis) and sometime you cant get steps to reproduce , but you know this is a bug and it go live then application can give http error like 500 or some other.On that case, what i will do.
by Expert (570 points)
Hi Bharat,

Thanks for writing to us.

- In case QA is unable to find RCA, then we should keep an eye on the application logs which can help Dev team to fix the issue.

- Also, We can evaluate the user data which is throwing the respective error. so that we can investigate if the issue is reproducible for particular data only.

- Further, As a good QA practice we must report such defects in the tracking tool and mention the frequency of occurrence(For Example : 1 out of 10 times). So that these issues are discussed in Scrum meeting and best could be done at right time.

I hope I answered your question.

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Maybe you should state the impact (severity) of the issue in the application. If it goes to production, then the user might find difficult to use the application. Thanks

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