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I was working for a big organisation. There we had a great testing team. They were very well motivated and paid much better. They had good knowledge on what they are testing. So, they could identify good defects as well.

Now, I am working with a startup. We have new product and the new team. They are working. But, they are unable to identify many defects that I could see later.

They are paid decent. But, not enough motivated I feel.

How do I motivate them to concentrate more on the quality.

1 Answer

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by Master (1.2k points)
The best way to motivate people is to give them the goal and give them the sense of responsibility.

I suggest you setup 1-on-1 meeting with all your team members and ask them to choose one module and set up their goal for the week or the month.

Let them speak up about what they want to do and give them all that they need to reach out to their goal.

I am sure that will make a difference.

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