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What is Software Testing?

I am starting out a career in Software Testing. I am seeing standard defination from wikipedia as

Software testing is an investigation conducted to provide stakeholders with information about the quality of the software product or service under test.

-Wikipedia (

Can you tell me in your words, what is software testing?

14 Answers

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by The go-to Tester (131 points)

Software Testing can be defined as the action for checking if the tangible result or output of product matches with the projected or expected output (of your client) and testing also ensures that the product is free from any bug or defect.

The following are some of the types of Software Testing.



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by Contributing Tester (79 points)
Testing is a process which determines whether the software being developed is bug free, meets client requirements and quality standards and is developed within set budget.
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It is a process to make an application Bug free with respect to meet client requirement.
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Software testing is a set of processes aimed at investigating, evaluating and ascertaining the completeness and quality of a software product.

It ensures the compliance of a software product in relation with regulatory, business, technical and functional user requirements.
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Software Testing is a process, in which check system functionality is working properly or not as per discussed.
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Software testing js a process in which we check if the actual result is matching with the expected result.

Also, to find the bugs because bugs are expensive and dangerous as well. It can lead to huge loss as well .
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Software testing methodology can be defined strategy to test and certify that a website , application or landing page under yest is free from error and meets client's expectation.

There are 3 types of software testing.

1. White Box Testing

2. Black Box Testing

3 Gray Box Testing
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Software testing is a process to intent the find out the bug/defects in the product/website/App and meet user specifications.
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Software testing means Our product, Site or Application is no break or crash any condition. and Also verify this app is user friendly. User can easily undersatnd and usuable.
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by Master (1.2k points)
In the real life, set of stackholders like Product Owner, Product Manager, UI Designer (If UI is involved), QA Manager, QA Engineers, Developers and any one else who influence the decision will get together and decide how software is going to work like.

Say, we are developing an app and it has got simple functionaly. A login screen. Now all stackholder will get together and decide what login screen will look like and what it will do. Eg. In case of right username and right password, let the user in. In case of right username and wrong password, display a notice 1. In case of wrong username display a notice 2. In case of empty username and empty password, display a notice 3.

Based on the acceptance criteria, QA Engineers create manual tests. Once the feature is ready, QAEs execute manual tests against the product. In case of any of test fails, QA raise the bug.

This is how it works most of the time.

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