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by Master (1.2k points)

3 Answers

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by The go-to Tester (173 points)

Seven Principle of  software Testing : 

Testing shows presence of defects. : No application is bug free.

  • Exhaustive testing is not possible. : End to End testing impossible. With all combinations.
  • Early testing. Testing should start early as document creation.
  • Defect clustering. Small number of bugs contain more bugs
  • Pesticide paradoxSmall module have more defects.
  • Testing is context dependent. Ecommerce testing is different than Insurance product testing.
  • Absence of errors fallacy. Software testing is not about finding and fixing defect, it's all about operational use.
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AS per ISTQB Seven Testing Principles are : 
1) Testing shows presence of defects
2) Exhaustive testing is impossible
3) Early testing
4) Defect clustering
5) Pesticide paradox
6) Testing is context dependent
7) Absence – of – errors fallacy


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by Contributing Tester (12 points)
  1. Testing shows presence of defects
  2. Exhaustive testing is impossible
  3. Early testing
  4. Defect clustering
  5. Pesticide paradox
  6. Testing is context dependent
  7. Absence of error – fallacy

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