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by The go-to Tester (173 points)

2 Answers

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by The go-to Tester (161 points)
Test Automation should always start when our application is baselined stable. I meant here, while your web Application is unstable then probably selenium test automation is not making any impact. We first have a base lined prodcut and we may start the Test Automation.

but the question is How to begin with Test Script? so, for this you need to learn your application first and then identify the autimation test candidate cases which can be automated. Always remember you can not automate each and every cases and you need to select the Automation cases. Lets first contact Manual Team and get all Test cases, then you go-trough the cases and after reviewing you can easily identify the automation cases. Incase of diubt you may discuss with team or your senior.
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by Contributing Tester (79 points)

The term automation means the process of automating a sequence of repetitive steps that were once performed by humans. The reason for using test automation can vary among people and businesses. Some might choose to invest as they don’t want to spend on human resources for testing their products, some may choose automation testing as they have very little time at hand for testing, some may even opt because they want to reduce human errors related to testing, etc. Whatever may be the case, the value added by automation testing is always huge. It saves both time and money for people and businesses.


Automated Testing Process:

Following steps are followed in an Automation Process

Step 1) Test Tool Selection

Step 2) Define scope of Automation

Step 3) Planning, Design and Development

Step 4) Test Execution

Step 5) Maintenance

I use a tool called QAppAssure, it is a platform for a mobile experience testing automation, which automates your testing process using an industry-unique integrated platform to ensure every release is bug-free. It has an On-field and on-cloud devices availed testing, which helps the app owner understand both the sides of the coins that are the bug faced by the

current users and also before release too which in my opinion is extremely crucial. It also enables integrated test management and makes it easy to use all Jira and CI/CD tools in one place and also

reports all bugs from all the destinations with the support of Multiple Frameworks like Appium, Calabash, Espresso, UI Automator, XCUITest, are supported.

I was extremely delighted with this tool and hope that sharing this information would help you while automating.

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