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by The go-to Tester (344 points)
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What is the use of @test method priority in TestNG

1 Answer

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by The go-to Tester (473 points)
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Best answer
In single class we can write number of @test methods. And execution order of these @test methods are not difined. It means execution of test case is not depend on any other test case execution order.

Now some time we want test case execution in predefined order. So to achieve this we use parameter 'priority' in @Test

Low number priority means highest priority 0>1>2>3 etc....

@Test(priority = 0)   ---case1

@Test(priority = 2) ---case2

@Test(priority = 1) ---case3

@Test(priority = 3) ---case4

Execution order will be::






test case2 will never run before case3 and case0. Same with case4

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