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by Contributing Tester (92 points)
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I am using AutoIT to upload file. It works fine on my machine but if I trigger execution through Grid it does not work.
I have installed AutoIT on remote machine, written script in AutoIT editor and created exe of same.

But it is not working.

1 Answer

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by The go-to Tester (181 points)
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Best answer
AutoIT executes as a program on a local machine. Selenium is on another a browser automation tool which is developed using Javascript as its core. Executing local program through browser is beyond the scope of Javascript.

So, if you want to execute AutoIT program on the Grid machine, you will have to access that grid node using RDP in case of Windows or SSH in case of Linux and start the program.

Hope that answered your question.
by New User (10 points)
Indeed. I wrote a post to elaborate on this discrepancy and how to workaround it.

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