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by The go-to Tester (324 points)
  1. What is the difference between "GET" and

"NAVIGATE" to open a web page in selenium 
web driver?

We can use both method to open a URL, then what is the difference between them?

We also use navigate method to refresh a page.

2 Answers

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by The go-to Tester (181 points)
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Best answer
Get and Navigate, both are synonyms. Get is easy to type, that's all! So, there is no basic difference between get and navigate.

After using navigate, you can even use, back, and refresh.


Hope that answered your question.
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by Contributing Tester (12 points)
get() mrthme will enters the url and will wait until the webpage is completely loaded .

Whereas navigate() method enters the url and does not wait for the page to completely load, instead it will execute the next set of commands.

Hope that now the thing is more clear for you.

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