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by The go-to Tester (324 points)
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I am running a selenium script with Jenkins but it showing an error.

I have my scripts on github and Jenkins is configured with it.

I wanna see my results/outputs on browserstack.(browserstack is also configured)

Please help ASAP.

Screenshot ref:

1 Answer

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Is your browsers opening on BrowserStack(BS)? Also, make sure that if you have your app accessible only inside your network, you will have to use BrowserStackLocal to execute your tests on BrowserStack.

Also, I see that you have some NullPointerException. Can you paste your NullPointerException here?
by The go-to Tester (324 points)
Nothing happens in browserstack!!
by The go-to Tester (181 points)
Check if you have your Browser name, version and OS passed correctly before you initiate webdriver. You can do System.out.println the line before you initiate the driver to see what is passed in DesiredCapabilities.

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