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by Contributing Tester (92 points)
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I am trying to start up a windows node using the following command

java -role node -nodeConfig <%=@selenium_node %> -Dwebdriver.firefox.profile <%=@firefox_profile_directory %> -jar <%=@selenium_jar %>

Tried this too

java -role node -Dwebdriver.firefox.profile <%=@firefox_profile_directory %> -nodeConfig <%=@selenium_node %> -jar <%=@selenium_jar %>


java -Dwebdriver.firefox.profile <%=@firefox_profile_directory %> -jar <%=@selenium_jar %> -role node -nodeConfig <%=@selenium_node %>


Unrecognized option: -role Error: Could not create the Java Virtual
Machine. Error: A fatal exception has occurred. The program will exit.

Could not find or load main class C:...\firefox\profile 

1 Answer

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by The go-to Tester (181 points)

Your arguments are for your jar file and not for Java.

So your bash command should look like below.

java -jar <%=@selenium_jar %> -role node -nodeConfig <%=@selenium_node %> -Dwebdriver.firefox.profile <%=@firefox_profile_directory %>

 Hope that helps!

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