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by Expert (572 points)
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I am currently working on generating defect matrix for a Power BI application. How do I categorize these defects into different level like critical, high medium?

1 Answer

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by The go-to Tester (448 points)

Before categorizing defects, first we have to understand two major key points:

1. Priority which indicate the urgency of getting the bug fixed.
2. Severity which indicate the effect it has on the system in terms of its impact

Priority can be categorized into the following levels:

Critical : The defect affects critical functionality and must be fixed in the current build.
High: Must be fixed in any of the upcoming builds but should be included in the release.
Medium: May be fixed after the release or in the next release.
Low: May or may not be fixed at all.

Severity is denoted as:

Critical (S1) : Main functionality or major system component is completely broken and testing cannot continue.
Major (S2) : Major issue where a large piece of functionality is not working
Minor(S3) : Some part of functionality is not working but there is a workaround and qa services can proceed with testing.
Trivial (S4) : An issue that inflict some loss of functionality but it is acceptable have an easily reproducible workaround.

Now, based on the above details you can categorize defects into defect matrix.

by Expert (572 points)
Thank you Rajeev. That was helpful.

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