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by Contributing Tester (48 points)
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I have downloaded Jenkins-War ,Run Jenkins using below command:

Java -jar jenkins.war

In Browser : http://localhost:8080/ and Jenkins Dashboard opends.

I want to configure jenkins for MSBuild (c# project)

I have installed MSbuild Plugin for MSbuild setup, But when I go to "Configure System" Section, MSBuild project section did not display, please suggest for same

You can chech in screen-shot:

1. -MSBuild plugin installed: 

2. Go to ""Configure System": 

3. In Configuration Section: MSBuild Section not displayed, While I have searched on internet that "MS Build" section must be present in "Configuration Section"  

below are screen-shot : 

Please help, How to configure for MSBuild/MSTest , because MSBuild section not displayed , while MSBuild plugin already installed.

2 Answers

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Can you try restarting your Jenkins? Maybe you should shut down the Jenkins, exit command prompt and start it again.

Let us know your views in the comment
by Contributing Tester (48 points)
I already tried many times, this does not worked.
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by Expert (572 points)
I believe this option is moved to

Manage Jenkins -> Global Tool Configuration ->  MSBuild

Can you check there and see if you find it there?

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