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by The go-to Tester (181 points)
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I am using grunt-loop-mocha. When I execute grunt test, I get below error:

Warning: Task "loopmocha" not found. Use --force to continue.

Aborted due to warnings.

Here is my code:

module.exports = function(grunt) {

	// Project configuration.
        loopmocha: {
            src: ["./tests/***-specs.js"],
            options: {
                mocha: {
                    parallel: true,
                    globals: ['should'],
                    timeout: 3000,
                    ui: 'bdd',
                    reporter: "xunit-file"
                loop: {
                    reportLocation: "test/report"
                env1: {
                    stringVal: "fromfile"
                env2: {
                    jsonVal: {
                        foo: {
                            bar: {
                                stringVal: "baz"
                iterations: [
                        "description": "first",
                        "env1": {
                            "someKey": "some value"
                        "description": "second",
                        "env2": {
                            "someOtherKey": "some other value"
                        "description": "third",
                        "mocha": {
                            "timeout": 4000
                        "description": "fifth",
                        "env1": {
                            "anotherKey": "BLERG"
                        "env2": {
                            "yetAnotherKey": 123

	grunt.registerTask('test', 'loopmocha');


1 Answer

0 like 0 dislike
by The go-to Tester (181 points)

I got it resolved by loading grunt-loop-mocha as an NPM task.




Your grunt file should look like below.


module.exports = function(grunt) {

	// Project configuration.
        loopmocha: {
            src: ["./tests/***-specs.js"],
            options: {
                mocha: {
                    parallel: true,
                    globals: ['should'],
                    timeout: 3000,
                    ui: 'bdd',
                    reporter: "xunit-file"
                loop: {
                    reportLocation: "test/report"
                iterations: [
                        "description": "first",
                        "env1": {
                            "someKey": "some value"
	grunt.registerTask('test', 'loopmocha');


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