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by Contributing Tester (91 points)
What is this termination error with TestNG "[RemoteTestNG] detected TestNG version 6.11.0"

1 Answer

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It looks like your TestNG is not properly added to the classpath.

We can try resolving this by adding TestNG to the classpath.

Go to Build Path > Configure Build Path > Java Build Path > Select "Project" tab
Click "add" button and select the project with contains the TestNG source.
Select TestNG.xml run as "TestNG Suite"

See if that works!
by Contributing Tester (91 points)
Actually am running the same project which has testng plug in
by The go-to Tester (222 points)
After adding the plugin, you also have to make sure that the TestNG libraries are added to your classpath. If you are using Eclipse, above are steps for that.

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