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We are giving you an opportunity to share your favorite meme with followers of social media pages of Software Testing board and get your profile linked to the post.

How it works?

In this page, you can click on the "Answer" button and upload your meme with your profile URL.

What happens when I upload a meme?

Once you upload your meme, we will publish it on all social media accounts that we have like Faceboo, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram and Pintrest with your appropriate profile tagged.

What social media profile tag requests do you accept?

We accept Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn and Pintrest. Also, we do accept Github and StackOverflow links.

What about Hashtags?

You can suggest hashtags while uploading the image, however we do our research and use required hashtags as well to get maximum reach.

I have a doubt, what do I do?

Sure, click on a comment button and you can post your doubt there.

Please log in or register to answer this question.

This site is for software testing professionals, where you can ask all your questions and get answers from 1300+ masters of the profession. Click here to submit yours now!
