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by Contributing Tester (29 points)
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From Rishikesh Memane(,


Can anyone make me understand about quality engineering in software?

How is it different from QA - Quality Assurance?

Thanks in advance

2 Answers

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In my opinion, the QE role is a more comprehensive and evolved role where technical acumen and user advocacy are equally valued and emphasized. The end result and when the role is operating at the highest efficient and productive manner, the person in the role is able to influence how the software is created - before the code is written.
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There is no difference. It's like saying what's the difference between a software developer and a software engineer...

I prefer not to use the term Quality Assurance, as it comes from the hardware manufacturing industry and doesn't map well to the software industry - in software, trying to "assure" the quality of something that someone else creates is like me saying I want the person next to me to assure that I I don't make any spelling mistakes today, or assure that I wear a Hawaiian shirt tomorrow... It's impossible, as you can only assure the things you are directly in control of.

I think the terms "tester", or "quality engineer", or "question asker" have become more popular than "quality assurance" due to more people realising how absurd it is to use in software.

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