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by Contributing Tester (13 points)
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I have an Oracle VirtualBox wherein I have the Selenium codes. The HUB and NODE are configured between the VM VirtualBox and the node/slave which is in the AWS cloud.

Triggering execution in VM Box, the browsers get launched in the node and the execution of the scripts in the node itself.

I want the same thing to be done in XEN Desktop. I have set up the HUB and NODE in XEN desktop.

How can I trigger execution in the VirtualBox that would launch browsers and starts running in XEN Desktop?

Currently, I am connecting to XEN desktop via Citrix for manual testing. Unsuccessful in attempting to trigger automation via VirtualBox in XEN

Is a plugin required to accomplish the task or is it not possible at all via Selenium GRID.


2 Answers

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by The go-to Tester (142 points)
What I understood from your question is that you have a VM box that acts as a Hub and you have Xen Desktop.

To trigger tests on Xen Desktop from your VM box is more of a topic of networking.

1.) You need to make sure that both are on the same network.

2.) If they both are part of different networks, you need to make sure that from your VM box, you can access the Xen desktop.

If any of the above condition is true, you can have your VM Box has a hub and your Xen Desktops as nodes connecting to the VM Box as a hub. You will just have to provide URL to VM Box to RemoteWebDriver class.

When you trigger tests, the hub will take care of redirecting tests to Xen Desktops. You do not have to host a separate hub on the Xen Desktop.

Hope that's the setup you are looking for.
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by Contributing Tester (13 points)
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Thanks for the response Sandeep.

Yes it is a topic of networking.

Both are in different network. We are connecting to XEN via CITRIX.

The client would not allow both to be in the same network for security concerns.

If any plugins can help on this which would allow my VMbox grid to connect via Citrix to XEN..?

We have been trying hard to connect the two but it would be great if grid can connect via citrix to XEN for the execution. Any heads up on this would be great. Thanks

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