Use of Predictive Quality Analytics in Software Testing and Development
Intelligent Transformation – The Next Frontier: Predictive Quality Analytics through Artificial Intelligence” The changes in technology today aren’t just rapid, they are exponential. Futurist and author Raw Kursweil defined the Law of Accelerating Returns stating that new technology leads the way for even more futuristic technology at an exponential rate. The real challenge with digital…
5 Strategies for Browser compatibility testing
Browser compatibility testing or the cross-browser compatibility testing means to test the web applications for the different browser to check whether the application’s design and functionality are working fine in the particular browser. It is a kind of ecosystem that requires a lot of planning and resources before you go ahead on the road of…
A Tester’s survival guide for agile transition and Appium introduction
Recorded Stream: If you have any question, suggestion or feedback, you can comment at the bottom of the page. Presentations: Software Testing Meetup #4, hosted by Mayur Shah A Testers Survival Guide for Agile Transition Mobile App automation using Appium by Gopi Kannan This is an online meetup. You can see presentations by speakers through…