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by Contributing Tester (78 points)
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I want to do API Automation Testing. That tool should have to show the test case status(Pass/Fail) in dashboard. For Ex:

In eclipse i can see the test status in console itself.Instead of viewing in console, show the status in dashboard.Any Rest Api tool is there.

1 Answer

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by Master (1.2k points)
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Best answer
If you want good reports, I suggest you to combine Serenity with REST-Assured. That's one of the great combination to work for API testing.

Apart from that, you can even look into SOAP UI.

I personally suggest Serenity and REST Assured as it will be free, open source and I can easily push my code to Jenkins.
by Contributing Tester (78 points)
Thank you sir.
by Expert (748 points)
Hello Sir ,
can you please explain serenity how we connect with rest assured
by Master (1.2k points)
Sure. Can you please post this as a new question?

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