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I am getting below error while trying to use below code:

Function loadCursor(cursorID)
  Dim dDLL, dProc, lib
  If cursorID > UBound(global_cache) Then
    Call VarArrayRedim(global_cache, cursorID)
  End If
  If IsEmpty(global_cache(cursorID)) Then
    Set dDLL = DLL.DefineDLL("USER32")
    dProc = dDLL.DefineProc("LoadCursorW", vt_i4, vt_ui2, vt_i4)
    Set lib = DLL.Load("USER32.DLL", "USER32")
    global_cache(cursorID) = lib.LoadCursorW(0, cursorID)
  End If
  loadCursor = global_cache(cursorID)
End Function

Error message:

VBScript runtime error.

Type mismatch: 'UBound'

Error location:
Unit: "ProjectSuite1\Admin\Script\Common"
Line: 279 Column: 3.

1 Answer

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by Expert (572 points)
Best answer
Have you defined and declared global_cache? Define it and it should resolve your problem.

Dim global_cache,new_expected_path,expected_path

global_cache = CreateVariantArray(0,32515)

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