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Web application2 to test is reporting dashboard which is read only and data gets updated in this web application from another application. Every time user update any information in application 1 it should reflect same data in application 2 .

Please help .

1 Answer

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Test automation can be a great way to improve the quality of your web applications and make it easier for you to maintain and update them. It allows you to run automated tests on a regular basis in order to ensure that your website is functioning properly. Additionally, test automation can identify potentially harmful or problematic code patterns early on so that they can be fixed before they cause serious problems.

There are many different types of testing tools available, so it's important to choose one that is appropriate for your needs. Some popular options include Selenium WebDriver, JavaUnit, QTP/QA Toolkit (from Quality Software House), PhantomJS / Firefox Developer Edition, Gatling Gun Testing Framework (for BDD), and Selendroid Automation Library (for Android).

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