API Testing is now enabled for you to practice API testing using Magento 2 store.
- Create a customer using API
- Create a customer Token using API
- Use customer API to practice various API end points.
Important credentials to be used while making a call.
Consumer Key: u5gkmvsnxvc5w6qxoy2iwx98mkc1j30d Consumer Secret: brpz2fvopf9fcdlkqh6dlbh8ui5lqow6 Access Token: cdxf96vcah8pbivc3zzrshd8t15ikua5 Access Token Secret: lkqssgly3qw0eel6pcaug1s9203v2pwn
Create a customer account using API in Magento 2
To create a customer account, admin permissions are required.
POST https://magento.softwaretestingboard.com/rest/default/V1/customers
Content-Type application/json
Authorization Bearer <use mentioned Toke here>
You should substitute the value of the email parameter with a real email address. As if you do that, you can receive all notifications.
Note: Make sure to use unique email ID every time in below sample.
Code sample
{ "customer": { "email": "[email protected]", "firstname": "Jane", "lastname": "Doe", "addresses": [{ "defaultShipping": true, "defaultBilling": true, "firstname": "Jane", "lastname": "Doe", "region": { "regionCode": "NY", "region": "New York", "regionId":43 }, "postcode": "10755", "street": ["123 Oak Ave"], "city": "Purchase", "telephone": "512-555-1111", "countryId": "US" }] }, "password": "Password1" }
This user id value of 125342 is assigned by Magento.
Code sample
{ "id":125342, "group_id":1, "default_billing":"25386", "default_shipping":"25386", "created_at":"2024-02-10 07:05:44", "updated_at":"2024-02-10 07:05:44", "created_in":"Default Store View", "email":"[email protected]", "firstname":"Jane", "lastname":"Doe", "store_id":1, "website_id":1, "addresses":[ { "id":25386, "customer_id":125342, "region":{ "region_code":"NY", "region":"New York", "region_id":43 }, "region_id":43, "country_id":"US", "street":[ "123 Oak Ave" ], "telephone":"512-555-1111", "postcode":"10755", "city":"Purchase", "firstname":"Jane", "lastname":"Doe", "default_shipping":true, "default_billing":true } ], "disable_auto_group_change":0, "extension_attributes":{ "is_subscribed":false } }
You can use the username [email protected] and the password Password1 to log in to the Luma store.
Create a customer Token using API
Note: By default, a customer token is valid for 1 hour
POST https://magento.softwaretestingboard.com/rest/default/V1/integration/customer/token/
Content-Type application/json
Use email ID you used to create the account above.
{ "username": "[email protected]", "password": "Password1" } Response:
Use the generated token to access the customer information.
Use customer API end points for your practice
Ref: https://developer.adobe.com/commerce/webapi/rest/quick-reference/
GET https://magento.softwaretestingboard.com/rest/default/V1/customers/me
Content-Type application/json
Authorization Bearer <use generated Token above>
{ "id":125342, "group_id":1, "default_billing":"25386", "default_shipping":"25386", "created_at":"2024-02-10 07:05:44", "updated_at":"2024-02-10 07:31:37", "created_in":"Default Store View", "email":"[email protected]", "firstname":"Jane", "lastname":"Doe", "store_id":1, "website_id":1, "addresses":[ { "id":25386, "customer_id":125342, "region":{ "region_code":"NY", "region":"New York", "region_id":43 }, "region_id":43, "country_id":"US", "street":[ "123 Oak Ave" ], "telephone":"512-555-1111", "postcode":"10755", "city":"Purchase", "firstname":"Jane", "lastname":"Doe", "default_shipping":true, "default_billing":true } ], "disable_auto_group_change":0, "extension_attributes":{ "is_subscribed":false } }
If you have any technical questions, use https://stackoverflow.com/. To report an issue, drop us an email.