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by The go-to Tester (158 points)
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I have over 100 autotests. Sometimes some of them accidentally fall with StaleElementRefereException. How to avoid this error?

1 Answer

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by The go-to Tester (181 points)
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Best answer

StaleElementRefereException occures when element was fetched before you navigate from that page or refresh the page. Also, it happnes sometimes while working with Ajax calls.



List<WebElement> elements = driver.findElements(By.tagName("tr")); // this will return all tr (table rows in the page)

while(WebElement element : elements){

driver.navigate().refresh(); //I am refreshing the page.; // this line will throw StaleElementRefereException 


To overcome above error, we usually refetch the element everytime after completing refresh or page navigation.


List<WebElement> elements = driver.findElements(By.tagName("tr"));

for(int i=0; i < elements.size(); i++){

driver.navigate().refresh(); //I am refreshing the page.

elements = driver.findElements(By.tagName("tr")); //I refetch all elements

elements.get(i).click(); //this will work


Hope that helps! Reply to this comment with your code and exact exception you are getting, so that I can help you with better solution.

by The go-to Tester (158 points)
by The go-to Tester (181 points)
Glad it helped.

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