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by Contributing Tester (82 points)
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Please tell me what kind of tests will be good to write for this websites ?

What is important to testing

What I must to test on this websites and comapre it
Filters values prices ...

Automated testing of destination landing page

Write an automated test suite (e.g. in Selenium) which validates different features and filter functionalities of

Please consider the following assumptions:

  • Depending on location, the website can be presented various languages.
  • The website shows different currencies if called from a different location.

1 Answer

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by The go-to Tester (181 points)
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Best answer
Simple answer. Find happy path. First, understand the domain and nature of the business from the client. What they want the visitor to do on the website. Make sure that user could complete happy path smoothly.

Eg. For ecommerce website, happy path will be. User comes to the website, looks for an item using item name, the search  result page displays, click on the iteam. Item is displayed. Add item to the basket and complete checkout process.

For your website, possible happy path can be, user click on tour item, checks availibility and go through the booking process.

To download test case excel example, you can use below link.

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