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by Contributing Tester (24 points)
after clicking on some button a pdf popup is displayed .i want to validate the text in thet pdf. we have code in java already but i need it in python.Please help me.and also if we download the file that is pdf for an exmaple,how to validate the text in that file using selenium python code.

1 Answer

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by The go-to Tester (181 points)

Validating the test from PDF is different then selenium library. You will need to use PDF libraries for python. One of the libraries I have used so far is PyPDF2.

Sample code:

import PyPDF2
pdf_file = open('sample.pdf', 'rb')
read_pdf = PyPDF2.PdfFileReader(pdf_file)
number_of_pages = read_pdf.getNumPages()
page = read_pdf.getPage(0)
page_content = page.extractText()
print page_content.encode('utf-8')

You can even try using textract library, if your PDF encoding is supported, extracting text will be very easy.

Sample code:

import textract
text = textract.process("path/to/file.extension")

Once your texts are extracted and stored into variable, you just have to assert it.

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