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by Contributing Tester (12 points)
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i am using selenium 3.4.0 in java.

the line "new FirefoxProfile()" produces the error which reads: ";Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;Ljava/lang/Object;)V"

how can i resolve this error ??

1 Answer

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If you have any legacy Guava library added to your build path, remove it.
by Contributing Tester (12 points)
i've removed all guava references but the 21.0 version, still no luck
by The go-to Tester (181 points)
Okay, checkArgument has the first parameter to be passed as boolean, IInd one string and Object is optional.

So, add boolean condition first and then any String and Object.

Hope that helps!
by Contributing Tester (12 points)
the method is in the package "" which obviously i cannot change, so how can i "add boolean condition first and then any String and Object" ? is there a way to update the google code ?!?
by The go-to Tester (222 points)
It looks like you are using the private repository. Contact your administrator and make sure that all files in the repository are up to date.