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by Expert (748 points)
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How to records your selenium script  video in eclipse?
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Do you want to record the screen at runtime?
by Expert (572 points)
Kindly register to comment Harsha. This way, we can keep the question and answer site more organised.
by Expert (748 points)
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I have used ATU Test Recorder earlier in our selenium script, i have asking it is any other recorder to check the script.Please let me know
by Expert (748 points)
Not getting your point

1 Answer

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by Contributing Tester (31 points)
You can use the “Monte Media Library” java based library developed by Werner Randelshofer to record the selenium webdriver execution video, Following are the steps to use this -
1- Download “MonteScreenRecorder.jar” from link
2- Add this jar file to webdriver eclipse project.
3- Jar file contain “ScreenRecorder” class, create the class object like -
public ScreenRecorder(java.awt.GraphicsConfiguration cfg,
                      java.awt.Rectangle captureArea,
                      Format fileFormat,
                      Format screenFormat,
                      Format mouseFormat,
                      Format audioFormat,

    Creates a screen recorder.

        cfg - Graphics configuration of the capture screen.
        captureArea - Defines the area of the screen that shall be captured.
        fileFormat - The file format "AVI" or "QuickTime".
        screenFormat - The video format for screen capture.
        mouseFormat - The video format for mouse capture. The EncodingKey must be ENCODING_BLACK_CURSOR or ENCODING_WHITE_CURSOR. The SampleRateKey can be independent from the screenFormat. Specify null if you don't want to capture the mouse cursor.
        audioFormat - The audio format for audio capture. Specify null if you don't want audio capture.
        movieFolder - Where to store the movie

4- call “screenRecorder.start()” methods at starting of your test scripts and “screenRecorder.stop()” at the end of execution.
5- After execution of test script, the video file is generated under “Video” folder of current user folder in   Windows machine and “Movies” folder on Mac machine.

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