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by Contributing Tester (29 points)
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Can you explain in your words "What is back to back testing in software engineering?".

I heard this term somewere online recently.

2 Answers

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Testing the same application in different versions by giving the same data as input and compare the output.

Expected result: We should get same data as output between the versions of the application.
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by Contributing Tester (79 points)

Back to backtesting is one type of Software Testing, which is also known as Comparison Testing. It is a type of testing in which two or more variants of a component are always tested with similar input and their corresponding outputs are compared and examined, in case any discrepancies occur in the software in the future.

Benefits Of Back to Back Testing:

  • Performs a comparison of two or more versions of software applications.

  • Can easily determine the perceived weakness and strengths of the software.

  • Allows one to know all the important features of the product that may require modifications or checks before its commercial release.

  • Back to backtesting is cost-effective testing for new software.

  • It can perform testing after major modifications and changes are implemented in the system or application.

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