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by The go-to Tester (131 points)

3 Answers

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by Contributing Tester (94 points)
Learn software test automation. Learn new software testing tools like jenkins learn about test driven development .behaviour driven development. Performance testing tools like load runner and j meter
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by The go-to Tester (173 points)
If we see the technology, it's automation testsing using selenium ( java, python,c#,.net) and RPA.

We have to think how things are changing along with code. People do have misconceptions that automation will wipe out manual testing But actually it's good to have skill set about automation. Automation will ease our job.

Learn automation it's easy don't fear it.
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by Contributing Tester (79 points)
Companies are integrating their testing, earlier in the software development cycle, with testing methods like Agile. This also involves the establishment of the T-CoEs to match the testing mechanism with business development building products that are ‘Ready for Business’.

Some companies also hire independent testing companies for their software testing needs. In this way, they incur less cost on testing and do not even require in-house resources.

There are several other important trends in the software testing world. Thus, there is a strong need to adapt to the latest testing trends for all the software industries in the world, which will help them to adapt to the requirements of the modern world.

1. Automation Testing - Software automation testing involves the usage of tools and test scripts to test the software, and these automated test results are more reliable. Hence, test automation speeds up the testing process, ensures faster releases, and delivers accurate results.

2. Regression Testing - It is an effective functional testing type that should be taken up especially when there are continuous changes made in the application as this testing process checks for any new bug or error in the existing software and is more so a verification process for the software.

3. DevOps - DevOps is a widely known practice of bringing development and operations teams together to bring an effective DevOps culture. This DevOps culture is about a shared collaboration between the development (Dev) and operation (Ops) teams.

4. User Testing - One of the important types of software testing that is gaining more popularity in recent years is user testing. This form of user testing refers to a technique wherein real users take up the role of testers to test the interface and functions of applications, websites, mobile applications, or services.

5. Integration Testing - Integration testing should be leveraged by businesses as there are numerous benefits with it such as the process helps to identify system-level issues such as module integration issues, broken databases, etc. and helps to identify them while developers resolve them at the earliest.

These are some of the major trends for 2020 that are changing the face of software testing.

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