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by Master (1.2k points)

2 Answers

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by Contributing Tester (79 points)
when a sofatware is developed it has many componants for example :

1. UI

2. API

So while testing we test both the componants separately and when both works fine individually then we integarte them with each other and then again test to check if they works as expected in the combination. So you can think of like: UI side you are testing login feature by some dummy api AND similary you are testing login API using postman or some other tool  like rest client. Now you need to integrate the login API with UI and you will test login feature again after integrating the actual API with UI, this is known as integration testing.
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by Contributing Tester (95 points)

In Integration testing, the QA team performs tests to make sure that components or units working fine independently work well even when put together. Testers verify that the modules give the same output even after they integrate. This takes place when more than one module is combined together to exhibit a functionality.

Original Source: What Is Selenium?

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