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by Master (1.2k points)

1 Answer

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by Contributing Tester (13 points)

First of all:

Action is a Class & Actions is an Interface.

Options could differ according to the requirement specification.

Actions provide multiple methods to get rid of your particular problem.

First, we need to create an object of the Actions as - Actions actions = new Actions(driver instance);

There are two different types of methods:

Depending on our requirements we can use [actions.]

1> Keyboard: sendKeys(Keys.ALT | Keys.ENTER | Keys.CONTROL | Keys.SHIFT etc.)

2> Mouse: .click() | .doubleClick() | .clickAndHold() | .dragAndDrop() | .moveToElement() | .release() etc.

once we call the actions then we must have to use the build().perform() methods to complete the ACTIONS.


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