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by Master (1.2k points)

2 Answers

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by Contributing Tester (66 points)

For my knowledge, there is no straightforward option to run only failed test cases from the extend.html file, but we can handle it programmatically.

  • First, check any test cases failed from the extent.html file using parsing options like JSOUP
  • If any test cases failed, then fetch only the failed test cases name.
  • Then automatically generate a testng.xml file with the test cases name fetched from HTML file.
  • Then trigger as Run by TestNG or something.
  • If no test cases failed, just replace the dummy testng.xml file with the template.xml file which should contain all the test cases. 
  • Then trigger as Run by TestNG or something.

Hope this will help you





by Master (1.2k points)
Sure. I'll give it a shot. Thank you :)
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by Contributing Tester (99 points)
The Extent Report is just that, a report. You can't run tests using it, only see the results.

However, TestNG automatically creates a testng-failed.xml file after each run in the \test-output folder. This will be a pre-formatted XML that lists each item that failed in the last run, and will also auto include any custom parameters / etc that you might be using.

Using that you can run all those failed tests again after the run, the same way you run any other XML testNG file

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