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Hi, I want to know what is load testing?

3 Answers

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by Contributing Tester (33 points)
Load testing means we are calculating capacity of server.
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by Contributing Tester (99 points)
Load testing ensures that your software is able to perform in production as intended. Just because the software is going to pass a functional check, this does not mean that under a load it can do the same. Load testing determines where and when your software fails, so before shipping to production, you can fix the problem.

For critical functions, businesses and consumers rely heavily on digital technology, so it is necessary to validate that it can withstand practical load scenarios. Higher acceptance of electronic technology leads to higher performance standards, and it can become costly if your software fails in development. The average cost of downtime on the network is around $5,600 per minute, according to Garner. That's an average of about $300,000 an hour. It is essential to avoid downtime in production, and load testing helps to make sure your application is ready for production.

The ultimate goal of load testing tools— and performance testing tools in general— is always to mitigate risk, whether it is a risk to the effective usability of your code, a risk to the safety of your end-users, or a risk to the bottom line of your business. Of course, all three of these are intimately intertwined, so it's important to know how they connect to each other and where you can participate for the greater good as a developer or tester. Let us dare to suggest that if you concentrate on minimizing the middle criteria, user safety, the other two variables will typically come into play and that many load testing issues will eventually boil down to the interpretation of users than to unique ideal page load timing.
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by Contributing Tester (79 points)
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Load Testing is a type of software testing that determines the performance of a system, software product or software application under real life-based load conditions. It is the process of determining the behavior of a system when multiple users access it at the same time. It checks the behavior of the system under extreme load. It determines the operating capacity of the system or software application. Only the sustainability of the system is tested during load testing. The tools for Load testing are highly costly.

You can use a platform like QAppAssure which allows you to test on-cloud and on-field devices, across 100+ device, make and models, Integrate with Jira, CI/CD tools, and also use Appium, Calabash, Espresso, UIAutomator, XCUITest. You can run unlimited parallel tests with the free trial pack.

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