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by Contributing Tester (14 points)

3 Answers

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Its a kind of grid which consists row and column, required when need to present required values using rows and columns, e.g. Score for cricket match, mostly it has TR and TD HTML tags
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Web table in Selenium is a WebElement just like any other popular WebElements like text boxes, radio buttons, checkboxes, drop-down menus, etc. Web table and its contents can be accessed by using the WebElement functions along with locators to identify the element (row/column) on which the operation needs to be performed.

A table consists of rows and columns. The table created for a web page is called a web table. Below are some of the important tags associated with a web table:

  • < table > – Defines an HTML table
  • < th > – Contains header information in a table
  • < tr > – Defines a row in a table
  • < td > – Defines a column in a table

Information Source: LambdaTest

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by Master (1.2k points)

Basically WebTables are HTML entities, its normal HTML Tables.

Definition: Web tables are basically tabular structures in web pages arranged in a row and column format. Web Table is an HTML element which is displayed with the help of <table> tag in conjunction with the <tr> and <td> tags. <tr> tag represents a row whereas <td> represents a column.

you can identify a table on your HTML page by using,




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