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by The go-to Tester (262 points)
Purpose :

check the status/health of api

response time


1 Answer

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by The go-to Tester (181 points)
There are many free and open source tools available in the market. Top most tool used is SOAP UI for automating API testing. You can use JMeter for load testing and even for functional testing.


SOAP UI works with freemium model.

JMeter is completly open source.


If you want to write program using Java for API testing you can use Axis 2 framework. It will help you generate Object classes and will make your API testing much easier.


If you want to frequently check if your API is up, you can use JMeter and integrate the same with Jenkins.


Hope that helps.
by The go-to Tester (262 points)
I am using jmeter to validate api and performance stuffs, i need a tool to monitor my api, up and running within some time interval.(UI) - similar to apimetrics tool

ex :
/get 1hrs ago-bad 2hrs ago-good 1week ago - good and showing the response time,throughput etc.,
There are a lot of API monitoring tools available in the market. Almost every web monitoring tool supports API monitoring. Since the company has to invest in the infrastructure to monitor your API, free solution is rare and limited. I was able to find only one company ( which provides free api monitoring.

My clients use Alertsite and Pingdom for API monitoring.

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