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by The go-to Tester (360 points)
I need some help on how t o setup testng plugin in eclipse.

2 Answers

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by The go-to Tester (181 points)
You can checkout my video given below to see how to setup TestNG plugin in Eclipse.
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by Contributing Tester (49 points)

To begin with the installation of TestNG plugin for Eclipse, you need to launch Eclipse IDE and then follow these steps.

Step #1: Once Eclipse is launched, click on Help and then Eclipse Marketplace.

Eclipse Marketplace

Step #2: A new window would open up, wherein you need to type “TestNG” in the Find text box and click on the Go button.


Step #3: You will now see the search results with TestNG for Eclipse at the top. All you need to do now is click on the Install button next to it.

TestNG for Eclipse

Step #4: Resolving of features might take up a few minutes after which you need to verify that the checkbox for TestNG is checked and click on the Confirm button.


Step #5: Select “Keep my installation the same” option and again click on the Confirm button.

Keep my installation

Step #6: Accept the license and click on the Finish button.

TestNG installation

Note: For the change to be effective, you will have to restart Eclipse and you will now be able to see TestNG installed by right-clicking on any project and seeing TestNG in the menu options.

Eclipse marketplace

Answer source: Guide to install TestNG in Eclipse

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