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by Contributing Tester (26 points)
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I have been working on a django rest framework project. for testing purpose I used factory-boy for models and django-rest assured for API test

from rest_assured.testcases import ReadWriteRESTAPITestCaseMixin, BaseRESTAPITestCase
from . import factories

# Create your tests here.

class AttendanceAPI(ReadWriteRESTAPITestCaseMixin, BaseRESTAPITestCase):
    # this is the base_name generated by the DefaultRouter
    base_name = 'event'
    factory_class = factories.Event
    # this is the user that will be authenticated for testing
    # user_factory = factories.User
    update_data = {'rating': 5}

Now I want to use model_mommy for the model object creation

how should I proceed? just replacing the factories with with model mommy object?

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