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Hi Mayur et al,

I am going to write automation test with Selenium, browser is Edge. And i meet a stuck that Edge does not support copy Xpath, css selector etc. So i must use the values identified on others browsers Chrome and Firefox.

But i think it is not good and wanna know any official solution/plug-in to solve it.

Many thanks in advance!

Kind regards,


1 Answer

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by The go-to Tester (181 points)
Best answer
So far I have not came across any extension of IE variations which will support identifying xPath the way Chrome does. With Chome, you can get relative xPath, which is really a good feature and very helpful for automation. So I would suggest you to identify all elements using Chrome and execute your script on Edge. That's the ideal way of doing it to the date.

P.S:Also, I do not see any plug in/extension being developed which can help identification of xPath in Edge browser itself. May be in upcoming release they may include it.
Hi Mayur,

Thank you for your answer. But i met some cases that test passed on ChromeDriver but failed on Edge, and how to debug ones?
by The go-to Tester (181 points)
There are chances that UI may render different for Chrome and Edge. In that case, we change User Agent of Chrome Browser to Edge and identify the element.

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