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What are the best ways that manual testers use to capture screens shots while testing?

3 Answers

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by Expert (748 points)

There are many ways & tool to capture screenshots.

Like print screen -everyone is using but according to tester 's its best use some tools like picpick,awesome screenshot, xing,qsnap, Lightshot,Freeware- Greenshot,Shareware -Snagit,Screenstamp.

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by Contributing Tester (34 points)

You can use any of the following like:

  1. Snagit
  2. Greenshot
  3. Lightshot
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by Contributing Tester (77 points)
There are many tools for capturing _

Popular and useful are _

1) snagit (lots of features)

2) Pickpic

3) snipping  tool of windows

4) Printscreen

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