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by Expert (748 points)
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Please explain what are the benefits of using Serenity tool in testing field

1 Answer

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by The go-to Tester (142 points)
Serenity can help you follow BDD.

Serenity is developed on top of Selenium WebDriver. So, it is used to test web applications. Since selenium support a concept of write once and execute on different browsers, Serenity can do that as well.

It uses .feature that are written using Gherkin format. So, whatever tests we execute can easily be understood by Business Analysts and manual testers. No more hassle of generating Excels or HTML reprots to get the output. Also, syncing manual tests with automation will be very easy as both use the same source test file for testing.

Serenity have got beautiful report with graphs. So, after execution you do not have to embed/work on additional reporting tools. Unless the management requires one.

Since .feature files are the input source for the test execution, you can always use parameters to perform data driven testing.

While using serenity, you can select specific scenario to execute tests. Also, if you are using maven, you can select what file to execute based on the @annotation.

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