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What is the difference between testing and debugging?

3 Answers

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Not to repeat the above correct answer, running a test to validate some functionality of the product is testing and can be various test types. When’s test fail , in order to understand the root cause either developer of the test engieeer needs to debug and understand if it’s a test issue, a real bug , or an environment lab issue. To be successful in debugging the person doing the debug needs as much insights and visibility from the test execution including logs, screenshots, videos, network capture files and more

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by Contributing Tester (29 points)
From, Narendra Putta (

The purpose of testing is to find the bug and the purpose debugging is to find a cause of the bug.
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by Contributing Tester (79 points)

Technically Testing is a process to check if the application is working the same as it was supposed to do, and not working as it was not supposed to do. On other hand Debugging is the activity performed by developers to fix the bug found in the system. The main objective of Testing is to find bugs and errors in an application that get missed during the unit testing by the developer. On other hand, the main objective of Debugging is to find the exact root cause at the code level to fix the errors and bugs found during the testing. Testing can be manual or made automated with the help of different tools. On other hand Debugging can't be get automated it is always the manual. testing on basis of the level of performing is at different levels i.e., unit testing, integration testing, system testing, etc. On other hand no such level of Debugging is possible.

QAppAssure, is the best test management tool I have come across, With an On-field and on-cloud devices availed testing, which helps the app owner understand both the sides of the coins that are the bug faced by the current users and also before release too. Integrated test management also makes it easy to use all Jira and CI/CD tools in one place and also reports all bugs from all the destinations with the support of Multiple Frameworks like Appium, Calabash, Espresso, UI Automator, XCUITest, are supported. 

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