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by Contributing Tester (51 points)
Hi guys,

I am working on selenium web driver and automating the web application.
I have written script for web application so my script running fine on chrome browser but when I start running the same script on IE/FireFox browser, getting an error.

Why this happening and how to resolve it?
by Contributing Tester (99 points)
What error are you facing?
by Contributing Tester (51 points)
1. Element not clickable.
2. Element not found.

1 Answer

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If the element is not found or a not clickable error happens, you can explore two options.

1. Use explicit wait conditions to wait for element to be clickable.

2. There are chances that the element you are trying to click randers differently on different browser. So, check your element identification method. Again, this is a rare case and depends on the application.