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How to identify the minimum number of users to test requirement?

Below you will find the requirements to identify the Account Diversity Grade of a user. Read the requirements carefully and identify what test users you need to set up in order to completely test and make sure all the below requirements are covered. (Note: you should identify the optimum (minimum) number of users needed to test all of the requirements)

Requirements: A user can have different types of loan accounts. Now we grade a user’s account Diversity based on two factors. 1) loanTypeCount 2) total accounts

loanTypeCount = the number of different (distinct) LoanType values for all accounts that the user has.

However do not include LoanType = Unknown & Collections but include all others Applicable values for LoanType are ( Home Loan, Heloc, Credit Card, Car Loan, Collections, Unknown)

totalAccounts = total number of loan accounts user has (do not include LoanType = Unknown & Collections but include all others)

example-> if user has 3 credit cards and 2 home loans and 1 Collection account, then totalAccounts = 5 and loanTypeCount = 2)

The logic to determine accountDiversityGrade is the following:

If totalAccounts> 20 or loanTypeCount >= 4, accountDiversityGrade = A

Else if totalAccounts> 10 or loanTypeCount = 3, accountDiversityGrade = B

Else if totalAccounts>= 5 or loanTypeCount= 2, accountDiversityGrade = C

Else if totalAccounts > 0 or loanTypeCount = 1, accountDiversityGrade = D

Else accountDiversityGrade=null (n/a)


My analysis on the question-

Two techniques can be considered for testing the requirements.


1.Equivalence Partitioning-

Generic test data  is considered where all the test data satisfies the conditions provided in the problem. Such that, 

- ADGrade A --> TA=25 LC=5 

- ADGrade B --> TA=20, LC=3 

- ADGrade C --> TA=8 LC=2 

- ADGrade D --> TA=2, LC=1 

- ADGrade null (n/a)—> TA=0, LC=0 


2. Boundary Value Analysis

  The boundary values of the conditions are considered. Such that, 

- ADGrade A --> (TA=20, LC=4), (TA=21, LC=4) 

- ADGrade B --> (TA=10, LC=3), (TA=11, LC=3), 

- ADGrade C --> (TA=6, LC=2), (TA=5, LC=2) 

- ADGrade D --> (TA=0, LC=1), (TA=1, LC=1) 

- ADGrade null (n/a) --> (negative test data)


TA represents totalAccounts, 

LC represents loanTypeCount, 

ADGrade represents accountDiversityGrade

Combining the above test data obtained from Equivalence Partitioning as well as Boundary Value Analysis, we get the entire set of test data that we need for solving the problem. 

So the minimum users required for testing the requirement is 5.

Please tell me if my analysis is correct or not.

2 Answers

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Answer is 6 users
0 like 3 dislike
I think the minimum requirement would be 7.
by New User (10 points)
can you please show. me how