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by Contributing Tester (16 points)

1 Answer

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by Contributing Tester (99 points)
The severity of a flaw has to do with the severity of an error. The extent is generally defined in terms of financial loss, environmental damage, the reputation of the business and loss of life.


The goal of a defect is to patch and deploy a bug to live servers as quickly as possible. If a flaw is of high magnitude, it will most certainly have a high priority as well.


High Severity – High Priority bug:

This is when the major path through the application is broken, for example, on an eCommerce website, every customer gets an error message on the booking form and cannot place orders, or the product page throws an Error 500 response.


High Severity – Low Priority bug:

It occurs when the bug causes major problems, but it only happens in very rare conditions or circumstances, for instance, consumers using very old browsers are unable to continue buying a product. Because the number of very old browsers users is very small, addressing the problem is not a high priority.


High Priority – Low Severity bug:

This could happen if, for instance, the company's logo or name is not shown on the website. Fixing the issue as soon as possible is crucial, although it may not do much harm.


Low Priority – Low Severity bug:

In situations where the error does not cause a catastrophe and affects only a very limited number of customers, both Severity and Priority are allocated low, in example, it takes a long time to load the privacy policy section. Not many people view the privacy policy page and customers are not affected by slow loading..

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