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by Contributing Tester (99 points)

Blackbox testing is purely functional testing where you do not know how an application framework looks like and the code behind it.

Mostly when you do black-box testing, your application will be on Test or UAT environment.

Definition from Wikipedia:

Black-box testing is a method of software testing that examines the functionality of an application without peering into its internal structures or workings. This method of test can be applied virtually to every level of software testing: unitintegrationsystem, and acceptance. It is sometimes referred to as specification-based testing

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by Contributing Tester (79 points)
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Automation testing is a Software testing technique to test and compare the actual outcome with the expected outcome. It is also used to automate repetitive tasks and other testing tasks which are difficult to perform manually.

Types of automation testing:

1. Security Testing:

Security Testing is a type of software testing that intends to uncover vulnerabilities of the system and determine that its data and resources are protected from possible intruders. 

2. Functional Testing:

FUNCTIONAL TESTING is a type of software testing whereby the system is tested against the functional requirements/specifications. 

3. Performance Testing:

Performance testing is performed to determine the system parameters in terms of responsiveness and stability under the various workloads. 


With MOZARK’s UXAnalytics, you can test your app’s experience without source code or debug APK, without integrating a single line of code. Since the testing technique is a completely black box, app owners can benchmark experience with competitor apps as well. It allows you to perform app experience testing at scale and get insights about the end-user experience while using the app, eg: Time taken to load any particular page, time taken to complete a transaction, video and audio experience, etc. You can have a complete chrome dev tool with production APK and can be used as a security tool too. First level performance analysis (battery drain, CPU/RAM load) is also available

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